Play Spidey / Venom in comic book style!
Ultimate Spider-Man for the PS2 (and other video game consoles) will be made available by September 2005 onwards, and it looks stunningly excellent in the graphics department. Cel-shading is definitely the in-thing right now as the game trailer for Ultimate Spider-Man is absolutely gorgeous with fluid animations. It also seemed to suggest that cutscenes for the storyline will be told in comic-strip panel style - animated, of course.

The full glory of cel-shaded graphics in the PlayStation 2's Ultimate Spider-Man
If you want to see some screenshots and the trailer itself, head over to Gamespot or follow the link below (cut and paste it in your browser's address bar:
Alternately, you can head to the official Ultimate Spider-Man website ( for more information.
This one's going onto my 'most wanted' list for now!
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